

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Happy Independence Day!

Hello everyone, I love being a missionary. Happy Independence Day, God
bless America! It was wonderful this week, there has been a lot of
cool experiences, starting last Wednesday after Pday ended. We went to
go see Kevin because we had an appointment scheduled. We got there, he
wasn't there so we decided to go Tracting. We were knocking doors on
the top floor, this little kid runs out naked down the hall.. Awkward.
Then we talk to his mom, she's not interested. The door directly
across from hers was interested. We told her we were missionaries, she
opened the door and told us she has diabetis so she can't stand for
long. We shared the Hallelujah video with her and halfway through she
says "I lost my sister recently" and I kept that in my mind until
after the video ended. We talked about how she will see her sister
again and testified of the plan of salvation. She was crying the whole
time we were speaking. As we prayed for her and her sister who needs a
liver, she was crying. We testified that God sent us here to tell her
this and that she can know. That was the strongest I've ever felt the
spirit on my entire mission as I testified to someone. I love that
feeling. It was incredible! I want to feel that same spirit every day,
it made me cry because I felt the love that God has for her, I knew
the spirit was there and it testified through us. We felt love. It was
incredible. What a great way to end our night out.

Thursday we had a conference call, where president talked about how
some investigators are changing based on our emails to him. We had
weekly planning, and had a super great week planned out, and texted a
lot of members. It was good. We had dinner with a member, brother
wood. He took us to this place called Mamouns, which is like a falafel
sandwich place. It was super good. We had pita bread, hummus, and baba
ga nooush. So yummy! Then we went to this place called Rocco's, there
I had the best cannoli that I've ever had, when we come back I'll take
you there. Brother wood is awesome, he is a shirt designer. He is
gonna hook me up with his shirts for free. They are $78. We are about
the same so they should look good. Haha he is such an awesome member.
Him and his wife do a lot of traveling, they are awesome! His wife was
out of town but her parents are in Loomis, they are in our stake!

Friday we did an APF at bethesda fountains. We used the huge world map
again and talked to a lot of people. For some reason people wouldn't
come put where they are from on our map. It really bugged us but we
were happy and kept talking to people. It was super cool. Elders
Newbold, Tatafu, Driggs and Stevens came with and it was cool to talk
with people. We did give out a few book of Mormons so that was cool.
We looked up a few people had dinner and did more look ups. We did
call sauce and she gave us a referral, her assistant. He is a non paid
assistant, he just does things for her. It's weird. She's broke.
That's why they live in projects.

Saturday morning we helped a member named Bryant move. He lives on the
5th floor in Chinatown. It was a good work out for sure. They offered
to feed us lunch. His wife is Japanese, they both speak it. we had
coordination, then Lunch up at 35th street, we had this place called
Cho Dang Gol, it's a Korean place. I can actually use chop sticks
better than I could have originally. We talked a lot, I got this beef
and vegetables cooked in a stone bowl with rice at the bottom. It was
really yummy. Bryant is a web developer so we talked a lot, he gave me
some helpful tips on how I can learn how to code, especially since
that is what I want to do when I get home. I got his email. He is
super legit, I love talking to him. He was kind of like me when he was
my age, he played video games and he loved it. It was good, they are
moving to Texas. We went to Washington Square park and did an APF as a
zone. It was good deed dares. It was awesome, so funny story! Elder
Driggs have a couple dares to this guy named Paul and Paul is a little
interesting. There is something up with him. Elder Driggs got a hug
from him, he told us that he thought he was gonna get kissed. He then
came over to me and I talked for a little bit and I got a hand shake.
Right as he was about to leave, elder Burt comes over and says "Has
anyone ever told you that you have a light in your eyes?" And then
Paul hugs elder Burt. We give him a card and he stays and
talks for a while. He goes over to the other elders and talks with
them, hugs them and gets a selfie with them. He comes back over and
tells us he wants a picture with us. We get a picture and gave him the
info for the church in Hoboken New Jersey. He tells us that God has
done a lot for him and that he wants to hang out with us. He ends up
hugging me and kisses my neck, that was weird. He hugs my companion.
We tell him we gotta go. He goes over and the sisters start talking to
him, I thought he was gonna try to hug the sisters.. It would have
been funny but they gave him a handshake and we left. That was a very
weird experience. He didn't understand what we were saying and we were
trying to explain where the churches where and we put them in his
phone. Yeah it was crazy. We gave a church tour to this dude named
Rick Bender. While we were in the elevator he tells us he would be a
hypocrite if he joined the church because he is gay. He said he may
come to church but that he would just go to experience it.

Sunday we had church and it was super great, I love 3 hours of church!
It's so great! Albert came and so did Reggie. Albert left after
sacrament but Reggie stayed the whole time. We have been trying to
talk with the members more and it's been working, the members are
offering to feed us again. Church was good otherwise. We looked up a
lot of project peeps and we found Jamont home. He said he would come
to our church on Monday for a church tour. We looked up Dennis, he was
the one we got from the zone leaders that is super prepared. He wasn't
home. They have these NYCLink wifi stands and we wanted to see what it
was. It is right next to Dennis's apartment. We were there for
probably 5 minutes, we opened up on the device you can use
so people will open up the Internet and see Mormons. Dennis walks
around the corner and we talk with him for about 10 minutes, he will
come to church this Sunday. It was awesome. If we didn't spend 5
minutes looking at the wifi thing then we wouldn't of seen Dennis.

Monday we had Zone Meeting! Yay! Elder Burt talked about how to be a
successful missionary, elder Driggs talked about how to gain trust
with the bishop and members, sister Montemayor talked about the
Christlike attribute of hope, and sister Lunt talked about our new
Baptisimal goal in the New York New York North mission. 30.30.30 30
baptisms every 30 days for 3 months, president knows we can accomplish
this and that if we pray in companionships and on our own we can have
90 baptisms in the next 3 months as a mission. It was awesome. We got
Wendy's afterwards, we ate with elder Newbold, Tatafu, Driggs,
Stevens, Essler and Stevenson. We were about to go to Five Guys
instead but chose the cheaper option. We met with Jamont, he liked the
restoration and he said he would be baptized when he knows it's true
and as we meet with him. Elder Newbold and Tatafu came with us to
Columbus circle to do an APF. We talked to so many people. We have a
huge American flag painted board and people came and got pictures with
it, it was pretty successful. So this dude was playing some terrible
music with his speaker, it was loud. I decided to request a song so we
could change the crap music. I requested for A sky full of stars by
Coldplay. It was a lot better than filth. We as missionaries were
appreciative. We were out until about 8, on our way back to the temple
building, everyone and their dog wanted pictures.

Tuesday we had another APF! We did the good deed dares in Washington
square park. We wanted to leave because it was so hot out but then a
member came and bought us some ice cold water. We talked to some cool
people. I talked to this girl named Alessandria and I gave her good
deeds and she told me I was making her cry. She wants to come to
church. She told me she knows us because her favorite band growing up
was a member. The lead singer from Panic! At the disco. Anyways it was
super cool and she said she would go to church! We got a dollar slice
afterwards, and a vitamin water. It was super good. We found this kid
named Lewis afterwards. We tracted. Nothing too spectacular. It was a
pretty good day. It's been getting a lot warmer outside lately. Today
is Blazin.

Today we are gonna have some fun playing sports. We also went to an NBA.

I love preach my gospel, I've been studying about finding people and
it's been strengthening my testimony of how people are prepared.
Everyday as we walk outside, God has been preparing people and it
really requires the members to introduce their friends to the
missionaries. This gospel will bless everyone's life. I know that your
friends will be blessed to. I love you all and I hope you are having a
wonderful week.

Elder Casper

1. The old new member discussions
2 & 3.American Flag APF

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