

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Meetings For Days

Hello everyone, this week has been awesome. We have had a lot of
meetings, the new missionary meeting and zone conference. It has been
a very spiritually uplifting week and we have seen a lot of cool
things happen and I've been receiving answers to prayers so that's
always nice.

Last Wednesday a member from Poughkeepsie that I have grown to love
here on the mission took us to this place called Bareburger and I had
a Bison burger called El Matador. It was delicious. We even got some
milkshakes, chocolate, peanut butter, banana shake. Was it good! The
message we shared ended up getting turned around on us and I got to
think the ways that I've been blessed since I have been on my mission
and the blessings that you are seeing to have me here on a mission. A
choice to serve a mission blesses everyone and that's so incredible. I
love my mission! I love his mission!

Thursday was a good day, we did some weekly planning at the apartment
but then had to go to the church to finish it up because we needed
Internet to plan more effectively. We did a lot of look ups afterwards
and then had dinner at the Vogelmann's and we had this delicious sauce
called Tepinade (I don't know how to spell it), we had a lesson with
Dennis again and we had invited brother Andersen and then he invited
his wife so we had them both. We read 2 Nephi 31 with him to show how
the doctrine of Christ is in the Book of Mormon. He really liked it
but he needs to continue to learn and he has a lot of questions. He
has some good friendshippers. He has been thinking about baptism a lot
lately and he probably will get baptized next month. Let's hope and
pray for him to! Bishop got to meet him too. My companion was in the
bathroom and I was talking to bishop and then he saw a mouse behind a
door so he grabs an umbrella and he tells me to put my foot at the
back end of the door so the mouse can't get out and then he starts
shoving the umbrella behind the open door through the crack and as he
goes in the mouse bolts out and starts running down the hallway.
Bishop is trying to hit it and it launches against a wall and it
continues to run and we lose it. That was an incredible experience.
Mouse chase with Bishop! Highlight of my day! Brother Andersen also
gave me advice on how to get huge arms.. I hope I can get huge arms
one day.. Not too big but definitely big. Anyways it's always nice to
have members teach with us because they say the perfect thing that
needs to be said to our investigator.

Friday was awesome, we had to get up at 5:30 to get ready so we could
make it to Scarsdale for the new missionary meeting. That meeting is
always incredible. I love introducing my companion and I love elder
smiley so much! He is incredible and hard working and I love him. The
more I serve with him the more I learn and man do I have to be humble.
It's great, I love it. We did a lot of street contacting out front of
our church and talked to this lady named Sharice Williams. We had
dinner with one of our members, sister Cabral. We had Pastalitos and
there was chicken and cheese inside of this little tortilla that is
deep fried. It was good. She has 4 less active sons who we want to try
to work with to help them come back into activity. One wants to go on
a mission but he will need a lot of work. It was a very good lesson
and we gave a blessing to one of her sons. I love blessings, I never
remember what was said but I know that's because it's what God wants
to be said and we are just the mouth piece.

Saturday I got my cavity filled and I have pretty good dental hygiene
so that's good. Only 1 cavity! It was awesome, I could eat sugar again
without my teeth hurting. We had coordination after getting some
dollar slices to eat for lunch. We did the district APF in Columbus
circle and we had the big Book of Mormon sign and we gave a lot of
books out, that was incredible! It's cool to "flood the earth with the
Book of Mormon" everyone needs it and people took it! Awesome. That
board is heavier than it should be, haha. It's a good work out for
sure. We looked up some of our peeps after getting some ice cream
haha. McDonald's ice cream is really good for some reason. We did see
one of our less actives but he can't meet too frequently so we talked
with him at the door and committed him to go to church whenever he

Sunday we got to church fairly early and elder smiley got roped into
singing in the choir. Church was amazing. Happy Pioneer Sunday! We had
Dennis and Reggie sit with us. Dennis really liked church and
afterwards he asked how soon could he get baptized. We told him less
than a month and he was like oh okay. He was telling us that he
doesn't have too much longer so he wants to get baptized if he needs
too. We are trying to get him as many fellow shippers as possible so
when the baptism comes around he will be able to choose who he wants
to baptize him and who he wants to confirm him. I love Dennis. We went
home and ate a quick lunch and did a quick study and took the
sacrament to Karin Altmayer again. We gave a Book of Mormon to the
front desk dude, he lives in the Bronx so we gave him the number of
those missionaries. Karin told us her life story and her and her
husbands conversion. She is a sweetheart and she is a good missionary.
She told her roommate and we gave her a Book of Mormon. It was
incredible. Karin is like a grandmother figure to me, she is way nice
and I truly do love her. We did a lot of contacting and Tracting, it
was AWESOME! Missionary work is the GREATEST!

Monday we had leadership meeting and elder Wulff (who is our zone
leader) is trying to change a lot in our zone and it's awesome. We a
trying to find people in our area instead of people who live
elsewhere. New York is a tourist place so we will find people who live
outside of our area but we can find people who live in our area.
District meeting was awesome. There is a fire burning in our district
and we are trying to give out as many book of Mormons as possible and
I love seeing miracles. We were doing the Book of Mormon board out
front of our church but "bees from hell pushed us to do something
else" bees were attacking us but mostly elder smiley. We did some
Tracting and then we were going to get food and a torrential downpour
for hours happened. We got soaked. Went and got an entire 2 bros pizza
for $8 and ran through the rain with it. It was awesome and we met
with our investigator Yun. He is doing good. He has been trying to
pray more and he wants to get answers but luckily we brought brother
Murdoch to help him understand the role of God. It was a super good

Tuesday we had zone conference! I love zone conference. President
promised us that there is someone in our area book that is ready to be
baptized, we need to be very prayerful about that. Sister smith talked
to us about how the Book of Mormon is the only book that claims to be
delivered by an Angel. We got to do a roleplay in front of everyone
and that was pretty nerve wrecking. It was an awesome lesson though
and we used the 3rd paragraph in the introduction to introduce the
Book of Mormon to people. It's cool! President wants us to use
Facebook to see how many friends members have to also invite them to
invite their friends to see them speak or tell everyone that they will
be giving a lesson. It's definitely inspired. President talked about
how much he cared when he proposed to sister smith and he knew it was
going to be eternal. It was awesome. Also we need to work with bishop
more and help him in any way. God answered my prayer through
president. President told us if we want to have our prayers more
meaningful, visualize who we are speaking too. Where is God around
you. Is he kneeling near you, is he sitting on the bed, are you with
god? It's a cool thought. Prayer is a conversation between you and
God. He will answer back. We got a new phone too so we spent 2 hours
setting that up and changing contacts so we could do our work more
effectively. We also saw one of our investigators and did 20 minutes
of personal study to end out the night. Kevin flaked on us again so
that's dumb.

Today we are going to Burlington coat factory so I can get some
pajamas. Then we are going to Buffalo Wild Wings. I love Bdubbs!

In the book of Ether it's talking about all the Kings that overthrow
the kingdom and reign in righteousness or reign in wickedness. There
was a king called Moron who was wicked. Moron did that which was
wicked before the lord. He rebelled against the lord and he dwelt in
captivity all his days. There is a lot we can learn from the story. If
we are morons and do wickedness we will dwell in captivity and be
unhappy. So let us not be morons.

Elder Casper

1. Bare burgers bear out front and brother smith on the left.
2. Milkshake of deliciousness.
3. Casper, better sleep for everyone.. Haha it's because you're a ghost.
4. Someone took a picture of us and it turns out it was president
smiths cousin. President told us at zone conference that he told his
cousin "I always tell the missionaries to carry a Book of Mormon
wherever they go." He posted it on Instagram and it will be on the
mission blog.
5. Doctor who comic.
6. When you're bored in the morning.

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