

Elder & Sister Smith

Elder & Sister Smith
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Smith (July 2015-July 2018)


New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Ste 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583

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Elder Domenick Casper

Elder Domenick Casper
Elder Casper With Elder & Sister Morgan (July 2012-July 2015)

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Baptismal Dates!

Hello everyone, this week has been incredible and the miracles we have
seen have made me so happy. We have a couple baptisimal dates which
I'll talk about in a few seconds. I love the miracles I've been seeing
recently and I know that God has prepared these people to be baptized.
I love it!

Last Wednesday I got some new sweats and a shirt. We are going to get
some super cheap ones from Burlington coat factory today. We went to
the hydes afterwards for a delicious dinner, we had huge burgers. Yum.
Brother Hyde is awesome and he is our elders quorum president so he
wants to have us help find less actives and get their info in our
records or send them off to the current address. Brother Hyde
suggested that we go to Bermuda one weekend towards the end of our
mission because of how cheap it is. Haha as a joke of course.

Thursday we had weekly planning and then we got roped into helping do
a musical number. We had to go meet at the 87th street chapel and we
sang the children's song "When I am baptized" and eventually we got it
down. It was with Elders Nelson and Essler, and Sisters Schwarting and
Coffee. It sounded good! We then headed back and ate some food and did
some less active look ups and then met with Dennis and had our bishop
sit in on the lesson. We taught the gospel of Jesus Christ and we set
a baptismal date for August 27th with Dennis! He is really excited and
he wants it! It was slightly emotional for him. We were so excited
after he left! We told all the bishopric about Dennis and his
baptismal date and they were super excited too! It's so awesome!

Friday we did a lot of weekly planning, some look ups and then had a
dinner with the Doxfords. We did some street contacting outside their
apartment and talked with some cool people and gave a Book of Mormon
out. The Doxfords are awesome! We had such a good conversation with
them and they are awesome. They have 2 kids so they were switching
back and forth and taking turns eating and talking with us. They have
a wonderful family, I love them! Brother Doxford told me of a new
Coldplay album and that blew my mind! I'm pretty excited to listen to
it. A head full of dreams. Anyways we talked to this dude named Tony
right outside their building on the way out who lives in the Bronx. He
is from Dublin and told us we should visit there. He took a Book of
Mormon so that's pretty dope!

Saturday we helped a less active move, her name is Jolene. She didn't
have too much stuff since it is New York. We had 2 of our members from
the elders quorum come help us out and also her friend from Jersey. We
got it done in less than 2 hours. We then went to a baptism, and
Dennis came! Woot! He loved the baptism! We sang for a musical number.
The spirit was super strong and Dennis felt it. He already knows who
he wants to baptize him and who he wants to stand in the confirmation
circle. He asked if I would stand in the circle. I told him of course.
He wants 3 people in the circle to represent the Trinity aka the a
Godhead. He really liked it! We had to go back to our church pretty
quickly afterwards to start filling up our font for a Chinatown
baptism. We did studies and for dinner we ate dollar slices with a
monster to drink. Afterwards elder smiley did feel well and he threw
up. It was hard for him but it was all good. Our zone leader asked for
us to give a training on the new district videos they are working on.
The church wants us to use Facebook a lot currently so we can be more
effective missionaries and these videos really illustrate how we can
use Facebook. I cannot wait to use Facebook more in our teaching,
following up and how we can help investigators to progress!

Sunday we went to church and Dennis, Yun and Reggie came. Some of Yuns
questions were answered with the gospel principles class. He wants to
know how to pray more and how to receive answers. Dennis introduced
himself in the combine 3rd hour and told everyone he's getting
baptized on August 27th so that was nice. After we went on a split. I
went with brother poon to teach Yun and elder smiley went with brother
Leal to teach Dennis and it was awesome! 2 member presents in 30
minutes. We then taught Kevin who came out of the blue from meeting
with bishop. He asked when we could meet and we told him right now. We
met. He wants to get baptized. We set a date with him for September
10th and that went well. We were bold with him and told him everything
he needs to fix in his life. He wanted us to go to sauce and get his
wallet and bring a bath bomb that costs $57 and give it to her. We
told Kevin that he needs to stop seeing sauce. He agreed. It was a
wonderful visit and the spirit was there and Kevin is going to change!
Woot! We ate and then had coordination and that went very well. We had
a lot to report and I guess it's been the most we have reported for a
long time. We are seeing miracles and I love it! Hopefully we will
have many baptisms in the following months!

Monday we went to the Lincoln Center Chapel and we had a 3 hour long
zone meeting so it was fun. It was all about technology and how to use
Facebook. We had to leave a little early and go to help a member move.
Their names are the Hartleys, they are moving to Baltimore! Sister
Hartleys Brother got drafted on the Ravens football team, his name is
Alex. We moved from 2:30 to 7.. Yeah it was intense but it was really
fun and good service! Brother Hartley got to the point where he was
going crazy, he was riding the bell cart through the hallways and he
was throwing stuff up into the truck by the end of it. His arms were
cramping up and it was fun, we did a lot and carried a bunch. It
didn't help much for my sickness. I started getting sick on Monday and
now I'm pretty sick, it's not fun. I can man it up and I'll be fine!
We had some good dominoes pizza while we were there. We had a lot of
fun, it was great. I love doing manual labor. We were standing outside
and this girl saw us and asked us, "why are you guys wearing the Book
of Mormon thing?" We told her that we were the real deal and yeah it
was a good opportunity! It was a great day!

Tuesday we went on a mini split, so elder smiley and elder lo(one of
the Chinatown elders) could go to Scarsdale. I got to go to a Chinese
coordination meeting. I sat there for an hour and didn't understand a
word they said! It was great! We had rice and some fish mixed with
vegetables and it was good! We started doing some service and then our
companions got back. We did some good deed dares at Washington square
park. On our way to dinner our investigator Dennis called us and told
us that he cleared his entire schedule until the day after his
baptism. He wanted to meet tonight. We went to Grimaldis on 6th ave in
our area (so we can go when I get back and stay in our area! The funny
thing is that there really is no line too!) That was the best pizza
I've ever had. We asked brother Tarbet to come with us to teach
Dennis. We taught him the Law of Chastity and he had no problems! It
was a super spiritual lesson! We have had members at every lesson too!
It feels super good! It was a great way to end out the night! I love

I just finished the Book of Mormon on Sunday and I know the Book of
Mormon is true. I know it has blessed my life tremendously and I love
it. Everytime I read it, something new sticks out to me. I know that
Joseph Smith translated the gold plates though the power of God and
that we have the priesthood again on the earth. We have the authority
to act in Gods name and we have a prophet leading Christs church. I
love this church and I'm always going to love it. I love you all, have
a wonderful week, talk to you later!

Elder Casper
1. Staten Island Ferry
2. & 3. Bronx Pants Fashion
4. Dollar slice and a monster
5 and 6. Brother Hartley and us in their apartment.

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